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Shockoe: The ShopTalk Mobile Consultancy

We create innovative apps for both consumers and employees aimed at delivering business results through the latest trends in mobile, AR and voice technology. 

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The future of brick and mortar is mobile

That’s why we are packing our bags and heading to Vegas! As we continue our campaign to connect more enterprise retailers with the right mobile strategy, we are booking meetings ahead of time to discuss everything from omnichannel mobile strategies to enterprise management apps.

Schedule a Meeting >

Our Clients

Future Stores Client logos

Why talk mobile at ShopTalk?

Shoptalk drives hundreds of retailers from around the world to discuss the latest in retail technologies. From hardware to software, Points of Sale to ERP — mobile is becoming an increasingly critical consideration for B2C leaders, and a staple of everyday shopping. Our mobile strategy team works as a business consultancy partner to design, develop, and deliver applications with measurable results — we can help drive your mobile brand loyalty strategy.

"If you can only choose one trade show to attend each year, make it Shoptalk. Shoptalk is hands down the best retail trade show going. The speaker lineups are killer, the networking is frenetic, and Las Vegas is such a better destination than say New York in January. I have attended Shoptalk every year since it started, and each time I leave with my mind blown and with a welcomed change in perspective."

The Keystone of Omni-channel Retail

According to a RetailDive survey, an increasing number of shoppers are relying on mobile devices to drive the in-store experience. The bottom line is: if your mobile tools aren't up to snuff you’re going to lose customers — we can help.

How shoppers use mobile in-store today:

Research Products
Price Checks
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Who is Shockoe?

We build mobile, AR, VR, and voice products that make life easier. With a firm foundation of analytics and strategy, a powerful development team, and agile UX/UI we deliver no matter the challenge. We’re a diverse team who shares a passion: to make beautiful and useful apps with great technology.

Meet the Team

Stephen Baker

Engagement Manager and Digital Strategist


Jaime De La Ree

Director of Business Development

Let's talk about Unified Retail Experiences

Schedule a Meeting to Learn More

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